Nate Sartain
From a very early age, I took to all things creative. Given a camera at age 9 for a birthday present by my grandfather, I was brought into the world of photography and later would attend the Art of Institute of Colorado. Between art and music, I was never short of creative inspiration and energy. I later learned graphic design, as well as refined my lifelong creative writing passion and have found that my home is on the border of the creative, and the imaginative.
In recent years, my passion has been for these various creative skills to be applied to business and clients who need help creating and growing these elements. From digital assets to full websites, from logo design to full branding creation. This came to life when I had the opportunity to work with existing companies that had struggles in areas that were very much my strengths and what I enjoy doing most.
I have done solid work in full content creation for social media accounts, photoshoots for websites and ad campaigns, full design and building of websites, as well as complete start from scratch design for brands who had only a name, an LLC, and nothing else. Most business owners need their focus to be on the business, its management, and its growth. Not on what hashtags to use for a post, or what fonts to use on an advertisement or flier.
THIS IS WHERE I COME IN... My job is to CREATE, for you and your brand or business.
“Imagery is one of the greatest powers we have for expression.”
2019 UTAh photography by soul muse
Soul Muse Photography
anything under the sky.
Whatever you desire to be photographed, the goal is to best capture its essence.
Soul Muse Design
design is a first impression that Needs to be great.
Whether logos, flyers, t-shirts, websites, or any kind of creative asset, the goal is for it to communicate whatever is truly behind it.
Soul Muse Branding
Your Brand will attract Attention, if attention is what you put into it.
Never settle for one dimensional, basic and boring, or even cheap and lazy branding. Solid branding is a key element to customer confidence, and maintaining stronger market presence.